Student Orientation

Overview Schedule

Time in ET June 1 June 2

9 AM - 10 AM

The Data Mine Overview

Corporate Partner Project Expectations

10 AM - 10:15 AM



10:15 AM - 11 AM

Breakout: Meet Your Team

Breakout: Team Contract

11 AM - 12 PM



12 PM - 1 PM

Half 'n Half:
Anvil & Agile Activity

Half 'n Half:
Anvil & Agile Activity

1 PM - 2 PM

Half 'n Half:
Get Started on Coding & Agile Activity Cont'

Half 'n Half:
Get Started on Coding & Agile Activity Cont'

2 PM - 2:15 PM



2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Breakout: Google Activity

Professional Development & Meeting Etiquette (30 min)
Student Panel & Discussion

3:15 PM - 4 PM

Breakout: Schedule Discussion

Wrap up - Reminders

Thursday, June 1

The Data Mine (TDM) Overview

Briefly introduce the concept of TDM model. Click here to join main Zoom room

Lead: Kali
Tech Support: Katie

Breakout: Meet your Team

Facilitators: Katie, Jessica, Kim, David

After Lunch

Let’s meet in the main Zoom room first before the Half 'n Half activity.
Click here to join main Zoom room

Half 'n Half:

Two groups will be working on ACCESS account set up and learn how to use Anvil.

The other two groups will be doing the Agile activity.

Anvil: Get Started on Coding

We will discuss how to get your ACCESS account set up and briefly discuss about how to navigate Anvil.

Do TDM 102 Project to learn how to navigate Anvil

  • Every group has at least one returning student who previously participated in this program. Please feel free to ask them questions about Anvil

  • TDM Projects to practice

Lead: Doug

Agile Activity

Please visit this page to learn more about the agile framework and the activity you’ll be doing with your team and TA.

  • Note: instead of bi-weekly, this summer cohort will be doing weekly.

Product Owners: Emily, Cai

Breakout: Google Activity

Because this program has no formal lectures or lessons, it’s important to have the skill to find resources and information you need for your project.

Lead: David

Breakout: Schedule Discussion

In this breakout, you’ll be discussing with your team to establish ~15 hours of collaborative meetings. You’ll be actively meeting via Zoom or Teams to work and check in each other regarding this project.

Submission: We need a schedule of 15 hours (specific times) of live collaborative meetings from each group. We will use those schedules to randomly join and check in.

Lead: Kali

Friday, June 2

Corporate Partner Project Expectations

We will discuss about the CRP project breakdown and expectations.

Lead: Kali
Tech Support: Katie

Team Contract

Breakout: Your team will discuss expectations for your team and create a team contract.

After Lunch

Let’s meet in the main Zoom room first before the Half 'n Half activity.
Click here to join main Zoom room

Half 'n Half:

Two groups will be working on ACCESS account set up and learn how to use Anvil.

Lead: Doug

The other two groups will be doing the Agile activity.

Product Owners: Cai, Rosey

Two Mini Sessions

Professional Development & Meeting Etiquette (30 min)

Lead: Rebecca

Student Panel and Discussion

3 returning students will be on the panel to discuss about their experience and tips about working a CRP project in the TDM model.

We will have Q&A at the end for any questions.

Facilitator: Jessica

Closing: GOOD LUCK!

RCR Training

Your stipend is funded by an NSF grant, and due to this reason, you’re required to complete the Responsible Conduct Research (RCR) training. You’ll recieve an email consiting more information about the training via your Purdue email. Once you receive it, you’re required to complete the training at your earliest convenience.